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Concept 1

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Concept 2

Concept 3

Profile Page

- Personal Information

- Order History

- Job History

- Reviews

Food Category Page

- Food list by different category

- Images

- Food introduction

Cook Finding Page

- A list of different cooks

- Images

- Personal information

- Rating

- Reviews

Pattern Inspration

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Paper Prototyping


Testing Feedbacks


(23, Guangzhou, Design, Bachelor's Degree)

- Using real images is more helpful than illustration.

- Would like to have the cook's real photos.

- The 'map page' is a little confusing.


(22, Guangzhou, Architecture, Bachelor's Degree)

- Suggests that the cook should also be able to rate the customer.

- Would like to know the real job of the cook.

- The Map is not necessary


(73, NewYork, History of Thailand, Master's Degree)

- The Information text should not be too small

- Suggests that the app should have some pop-up instruction for first use.

- The app could have some rewards program to encourage user to write more reviews.


Quick Access


The users want to have a quick access to the app, whether is using without any account or access with fingerprint.

More real images, less illustration


The users want to have see the real food images or the look of the cook/customer. The Illustration doesn't help much

Having a better rating system


The users want to be able to see the rating of everyone, which including all the cooks and the customers.

Having pop-up instruction


Some users expressed the need to have a mini-tutorial before starting on what certain icons mean. The same way some app explain their new features now.

Unannotated Wireframe

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Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Annotated Wireframe

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1: This page is for user who need to create a new account. They will also need to fill in their personal information.

2: This page is for user who wants to find a cook by different food category.










3: This page is for user who wants to find a cook by looking at different cook's profile.

4: This page is for user who wants to see the cook complete profile.

5: This page is for user who wants to be a cook and looking for a dinner by seeing their profile.

6: This page is for user who wants to see the dinner's complete profile.

7: This page is the contact page where user can see who they have worked with so far.

8: This page is the chatting page where user can text to the person who they want to work with, or make a video call.

9: This page is the personal profile page where the user can see or edit their information.

Heuristic Evaluation

Visibility of System Status

For this app, I can add a loader or time-left graphics when user loading the images.


Match Between System and the Real World

The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.


User Control and Freedom

Users often couldn't find the "go back"button, it should be very clear and add it to almost every page.


Consistency and Standards

Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. 


Error Prevention

I can set some rules for the format of user password, try to validate it as the user types rather than waiting for him to click submit.


Recognition Rather Than Recall

It’s better to suggest the user a set of options than to let him remember and type the whole thing. The goal is to minimize the application of user memory.


Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

For the profile page is not very flexible, maybe add a button for "custom".


Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

My image widows are too small for this app. 


Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

A check needs to be made if those errors are being explained to the user in understandable language. In the below example, I have entered a fictitious username and password and the error message I got is either the username or the password is incorrect. 


Help and Documentation

For some Icon may not be very clear, I should add some frequently asked queries on the same page. 

Wireframe Video

Visual Inspiration

Direction 1  -  Reliable & Quality

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Direction 2  -  Clean & Simple

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Direction 3  -  Colorful & Fun

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